Note: I’ll use my MAL reviewing format until I tweak it for AL. link Here is how my “review” system works. W.I.P
To keep it short, It’s a bit more unique take on isekai genre. Essentially we have a comedy romance with nerdy Otome gamer isekai storytelling who tries her best to avoid bad endings as her character. For the most part I rather enjoyed storytelling and progression, but as it went along the more fast-forwarded it felt. Development points and “events” became somewhat way too sudden and quick-paced, which somewhat broke the story’s “immersion”. And maybe only other complaint, which probably will be dealt with in the sequel that there was no proper romance progression. Other than that it was sweet and funny Anime. Maybe a little bit off my cup of tea, but in the end it was good. A solid strong “7” close to even “8”.
Oh and only story related thing that made me wonder is that7/10
Not gonna bother giving whole character description as cast is rather large. But long story short, we get various stereotypes on both genders in the main harem, which is nice, characters to love for everyone. All of them had some backstory, progression and a bit drama to them, yet all of them grew to be rather likeable. Our main female lead character is essentially rowdy and nerdy girl that is dense as osmium and big dummy, but nevertheless she is enjoyable and fun character. Just a tad bit exhausting, not exactly my cup of tea. Sophia or Maria more of my jam.
✦Art & Sound✦
Soundtrack and music was rather noticeable and jolly enjoyable. Art & animation felt good enough, nothing too special.
✦Enjoyment & Overall✦
Long story short, a little bit fresh air type of Anime. Very enjoyable and for sure looking forwards for the sequel. And I damn hope that FMC romance story will as well progress.
✦✦Final score✦✦: 8/10
#anime, #review, #romance