Test layout review . Will test different review layouts for next few games and once have something I like set in stone will update my explanation data at “my site”[desozone.wordpress.com]
Review format:
Gameplay / enjoyment:
🔲Dreadfully boring / unenjoyable
✅Rather do something else
🔲Had its moments
🔲Quite enjoyable
🔲Tons of fun
Pros & Cons:
✅Fairly simple & straightforward
❔puzzle solving for those who like
❌Very barebones feeling RPGmaker story game
I mean it was kinda cute I guess.. but honestly I felt I rather just read a paragraph text of that game with some cozy music… as far RPGmaker short story games go I found this rather dull.
🔲Hold spacebar to win (tutorial mode)
🔲Easy enough (easy)
✅The middle-ground with some challenges (normal)
🔲The Git Gud (medium-hard)
🔲Unnecessarily challenging (hard-very hard)
🔲Too tryhard or too much brain usage (very hard – hardcore)
Pros & Cons:
✅puzzle solving
❔puzzle solving
❌puzzle solving
Aside puzzles there’s fuck all.
Game length & Re-playability:
✅Short (~3h)
🔲The Median (~10hr)
🔲Long enough (10-30hr)
🔲Long (30+ hr)
🔲Very long (100+ hr)
❌Didn’t even finish it
🔲Finishing it even once was miracle
🔲No point to re-play
🔲Nostalgia or jolly co-op
🔲Few runs fun enough to try all routes/variations and unlock everything
🔲Tons of replayability value
Story / characters / development:
🔲There is a story?
🔲Lore exists
❌Story exists but sucks or does not intrigue
🔲Some of these aspects had it’s moments
🔲Fairly enjoyable – did pay attention to the characters/story for the most part
🔲Very enjoyable – truly enjoyed characters/lore to a point where might had even youtubed/googled for extra info
Pros & Cons:
✅Cozy aspect to approach pseudo fairy-tale stories
❌Didn’t catch my interest enough as story presentation felt rather dull
Visuals & Audio:
🔲Your eyes/ears will rot off
🔲Fairly bad
✅Nothing special
🔲Some aspects are good
🔲Overall quite good
Pros & Cons:
✅Art style was okay…
Didn’t immerse or interest me enough.
Performance / Hardware requirements:
✅Stick a cable in your potato
🔲Can manage modern low spec
🔲Average PC make-do
🔲Have “gamer pc” to an extent
🔲High-end PC
🔲NASA PC because game is most likely optimized like garbage or just ultra-high end set-up game
Price-worth ratio:
(Full price when bought: 3EU)
🔲Not worth even for free
🔲Get on -30 to -50 % sale
✅Get on -60 to -70% sale
✅Get on -80 to -100% sale
🔲Full price if fanboy and want to throw some money in devs face.
Extra comments:
Honestly.. I don’t mind RPGmaker story games…. but this one just created no intrigue or feelings for me.. I just felt boredom and simply felt I rather do something else.
Total score: 5/10