Anime “review” – Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

⬛Review info

  • Reviewing Info: How I rate/review stuff is explained HERE
  • Review layout: WP non-H
  • Review type: Anime

⬛Review (short ver):

⚡In a nutshell: Poison perv get’s stuck in odd circumstances in a really depressing world.


✅Unique world and premise
✅Amazing dialogues & character interactions
✅Stunning Art&Music direction
✅Amazing main lead character and impressive other ones.

Review (comments/longer ver):


Well… interesting premise in rather depressing modified time period. Well.. mostly for women and their role in there. Anyhow… we have a little poison fetish girl ending up in a rather peculiar circumstances which develops into her strengths and advantages, whilst still being pressured by the world and social norm rules.

I mean, not sure what else to add… story was impressive, progressive and has plenty to offer on both story wise, world and development wise…. honestly can’t add anything without it becoming a spoiler. All I can say the whole storytelling and setting felt very unique and enjoyable to watch even through the unfair and painful role of women there.


Probably can say for certain that female lead character is probably one of the best female lead characters I’ve seen recently. She has quirky, unique and strong personality. And the whole story of her surviving, playing her strengths yet having that very skeptical worldview whilst going on about her life in such society is rather good watch.

Rest of characters is also entertaining to watch for the most part. All of them have rather painful sub-tones due to their lives and social norms that worlds society has. But honestly.. a lot of emotional strength was put to female characters for most part, which was done great. Although both male and female cast had their “villains & demons”… it simply was world with more focus on circumstances and environments lot of female cast had to go through. Whilst plenty of male characters were more of “good’ish and evil chess pieces”.

There were characters I loved, characters I felt bad for and characters I did hate even with their reasoning.

✦Art & Sound

Beautiful Art & Animations, absolutely stunning women. And fitting and quality soundtrack.

Nothing else to add… art&sound presentation was amazing.
Guess could add the main characters voice & voice acting was amazing.

✦Enjoyment & Overall

Honestly I’m not sure why I don’t want give it 10. As I enjoyed it ALOOT and binged in one go… and I can’t even give any particular cons. But if I would say, then probably something was off-taste to for me or something I can’t really put finger on I had gripe with.

But goes to my favorites for sure and recommended watch if you are into more serious olden & twisted fictional era drama.

⬛Total Score 9/10 +💛 Favorited

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