Game “review” – Wedding Witch

Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
Review layout: STEAM
Review type: Game
Review format: Normal, lazy


✅ Simple, short and fairly enjoyable “vampire survival genre” game
✅ Okay fanservice standing art/unlockables
✅ Enjoyable fanservice “body transformation” upgrades type of game


❌ Certain “class” upgrades are quite unbalanced (some are obviously a lot superior
❌ 100% all upgrades can be rather grindy (cuz gold takes on max difficulty a lot of runs to 100% all)


❔ Artbook dlc.. if you like the artist and art enough to support the artist, then get it I guess.


I mean…. Doesn’t cost much and gives you few hours of survivor rogue-like experience with some body transformations fanservice. On that regard I found art and style of game rather pleasing.

Story? It exists…. As premise/setting I guess… that’s about it.

Gameplay wise. There are some quite cool and overpowered combinations with upgrades you can get. Early game is rather hit & miss as typical with those games. As you not sure what combinations are good. But IMO … Beast (familiar magic) and Muscle (melee magic) are biggest piles of garbage aside passive upgrades. Whilst Corruption (curse magic) and Hip (area magic) being obviously rather overpowered map cleaners.

Aside that… not much else to say. It’s a short “vampire survivors” game with some fanservice… so basically if you like that art/artists stuff… and are up for few hours the gameplay. Then I consider this worth the money… if you want a survivor’s type of game to put a lot in hours in with plenty of mechanics, then I wouldn’t recommend it. Considering there are free-to-play survivor type of game son steam with much more content, art and features. (hololive survivors or kagura survivors)

In conclusion more of “support artist” type of game rather than actual proper game, considering how barebones and short it is. But, that’s what I expected when I got it on sale…. And that’s what I got. Enjoyed my few hours of gameplay. 100% achieves, so I can put this game away now.

🌟 Total score: 6/10 🌟 Game status:
✅ Finished

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