Lewd game “review” – An elf girl gets reverse Isekai-ed by “War Shop”

Reviewing info:  How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.

Review layout:  Lazy/minimal format (others)

Review type:  Game

Review format:  Lewds


✅    Fairly interesting and nice artstyle

✅    Plenty of scenes & variations

✅    Combat free progression

✅    Dating app unlockables

✅    Vanilla ending doable

✅    Degeneracy increases over scenes very nicely.

✅    FMC hot


❌    Art & Animation quality varies too much

❌    Heavy NTR focus

❌    Not even corruption, more like closeted slut becoming open slut

❌    Ugly bastards everywhere

❌    Game progression system & story is pretty meh.

❌ No official translation


What can I say, this is fairly enjoyable scene hunter type of a game. Works as a fap material and is fairly straightforward when it comes to obtaining new scenes.

    The work various jobs to get scenes is pretty nice. But as far as rewards go then some jobs become irrelevant fast. There are also few fun random NPC interactions and interactions while on date with main guy.

    Thankfully this is this type of NTR where you don’t care it’s NTR as FMC is a dumb hoe anyways. So seeing her being a city bicycle is pretty fun.

    Anyhow.. CGI and Animated scenes are nice, but quality jumps a lot. Overall I think it was fairly hot and simple game, so for sakes of it’s better traits I’ll give it 6 and can tell that give it a shot if you want quick scene hunter with fairly nice scenes with meaty elf.

Total Score:  6/10  

Game status:

✅ Finished

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