Lewd game “review”- Moms Juniorcare for Old Virgin Lady by “Hoi Hoi Hoi”

Reviewing info:  How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.

Review layout:  Lazy/minimal format (others)

Review type:  Game

Review format:  Lewds


✅    Shota X Milf’ish game I guess?

✅    Pixel art’ish?

✅    Scenes okay’ish?

✅    Multiple endings?

✅    Some great and nasty fetishes


❌    Very save scumming and ULTRA Micro-ing game for all edings

❌    I mean milf was hot but scenes were shit?

❌    Art is very mediocre

❌    Scene hunt wise very meh


Honestly, the grind for legit all scenes is simply not worth the time.. and following guide gives you access to everything, but is it worth it? No… art is meh, scenes have great kinks but are presented in a garbage way, plot is funny but pointless, endings are entertaining but extremely low quality. I recommend you to skip this game and try something else.

Total Score:  5/10  

Game status:

✅ Finished

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