Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
Review type: Game
Review format: Lewds
Great art
Scenes – cg progression & hot scenes, good kink variation
1h playablity is good – mouse only experience
No combat
Scene completion % status
Good waifu
Essentially 2 stages of waifu = 1st where she is simply maid and & looks at you disgusted if you do stuf and 2nd stage where she is lover and loves it all
Gallery room
Voice acting
Currently only MTL translation but was solid enough to understand
Wish it would been a bit longer & more scenes
Plot device exists but no actual „story“
A bit grindy to buy all shit off shop
never figured out how to get apron scene thus 98% completion
Think I mentioned everything in pros and cons. It’s a cute little game where you be degenerate with your maid waifu who looks at you with spite if you be a degenerate. But eventually you get her to be ur actual waifu then she is a fellow degenerate with you.
Never figured out how to get 2 cgi images. Apron scene and laundry basket wet edition cgi. But other than that was fairly vanilla game and sweet. I approve it.
Total Score: 7/10
Game status: