Note: I’ll use my MAL reviewing format until I tweak it for AL. link Here is how my “review” system works. W.I.P
Been a while since writing any anime “review”
What can I say. Wholesome gyaru with cultured hobbies and isolated hobby nerd blossoming for each others fulfillment? Anyhow, for the most part story telling is fairly fun to enjoy as FMC is essentially otaku who loves to cosplay but is also the wholesome type of gyaru not the typical stereotype. I do love how they both progressed through discovery of cosplay, world and also joy and love of understanding each other values. Only thing I felt lacking was their progression of love relationship. But, I have a feeling this love story might blossom in the next season and hopefully by end of the storyline they will have great vanilla love & family. Also should mention strong focus is on cosplay and does have quite some details about choosing and making various cosplay clothing, decorations, makeup, hair, being in character, suitable character and so on, which I did damn enjoy even though I personally don’t cosplay as I’m fat sob… if would have willpower to shape myself might try to cosplay. Overall it was more of SoL genre where not much was happening but what you saw was damn enjoyable.
Gyarus. Typically gyarus are presented as women who have rather loose moral viewpoint, thus easy to sleep around (sluts basically), love digging in wallets of men whilst having rather dumb dialects or overall intelligence and put high priority on their looks. Thus lot of makeup and fancy pancy fashion style. (or slutty)
BUT…at some point in world of Anime wholesome gyarus have surfaced. Which have all the gyaru traits BUT, can be smart and have most definitely a proper value towards love & relationships. Thus are vanilla and don’t sleep around.
And this is ladies and gentlemen a good waifu for introverted otakus. Marin is essentially tier up from wholesome gyaru waifus, as not only she has great sense of values but also has cultured hobbies of consuming degenerate media & love to cosplay.
I put her into my “waifus” list. She almost perfect waifu. She bright, respects your hobbies & values, is beautiful, loves to cosplay and consume otaku media. But also is a bit naughty in vanilla way. On top of that since she more of a extrovert, she will essentially drag your around in a way just a trip with her would be the main joy even if everything else would feel so unpleasant for someone who prefers to stick at home. IRL my only issue would be her publishing fanservice cosplay out in the world. I’m possessive so I would prefer to keep that private… as intimate parts I would want my partner to fully belong to me and me to her.
Anyhow, our MC is pretty much isolated hobby “nerd” who is rather introverted but does love what he is doing. Although because of that his social life is pretty much non-existent and does have confidence issues. Sounds about right for introverted otakus. But he also has sense of values, passion and good self control to not ruin the relationship with gyaru with knowingly and unknowingly is rather tease. Most character development revolves around them. It got some progression, but hope it will go by the end of the storyline towards vanilla love and family.
We also get bunch of fairly enjoyable sidekicks that show up now and then. Loli nee-san and oppai imouto. Odd Marin friend who is also nerdy gyaru, but whenever vanilla or not, who knows.
Long story short, characters I did enjoy a lot. They were rather vibrant and MC was awkward, but lovable. And FMC was a great waifu material.
✦Art & Sound✦
Felt the the art style and animation both were quite superb. Was bright, but greatly detailed. Also focus on cosplay was superb. Plus important fanservice bit were also top notch.
Music & OST once again, was bright & vibrant, did have it’s presence. But the songs weren’t particularly my taste of cup of tea.
✦Enjoyment & Overall✦
Overall, enjoyed it immensely. MC wasn’t some obnoxious gigachad but not uber wimp either. He was more of a shy sensible hobby nerd who cares a lot to not use FMC’s close-knit attachment. Even though he had countless of chances to go on aggressive, or feel up Marin or peek on her.. he managed to keep his cool. And respectfully de-stress in the evening when she not around. (also part of that is to not ruin relationship he has with her if he would suddenly take initiative) Find it always better if woman takes initiative, so hope for their love full bloom.
So yes…. thus my another clusterfuck review that makes sense to me, but usually not much to others. But for me reviews always meant personal opinion sharing and those who have similar tastes, will know then they will enjoy the show or not.
I don’t like “constructive/objective” reviews. They feel BS 99% of time & spoil most of stuff you would want to discover. That’s why I usually keep it on personal level and give more of general gist of things. But overall… it’s just me ranting my thoughts on something.
✦✦Final score✦✦: 9/10
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