Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen “review”

Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen 7/9/7/7/7

Note: I’ll use my MAL reviewing format until I tweak it for AL. link Here is how my “review” system works. W.I.P

It’s been ages since I’ve watched Cardcaptor Sakura. And sadly I cannot compare those two. Considering I gave old one 9 overall score, I’ve must have enjoyed it a lot. But it’s been..many many years. Taste change, emotions change and so on. Anyhow, this particular season was rather enjoyable. Alongside of very very sweet slice-of-life comedy and some nice touch of sweet romance to it, we actually get rather nice progression throughout the story. Even though most story elements are rather straightforward and well.. very easy to predict, which is not a surprise as this Anime is pretty much aimed for kids. Nevertheless, it is still rather sweet and nice story telling. Well progressing with sweet “reveals” and plenty of revamped card powers. Basically this season felt like a Sakuras growth journey and making her powers her own. It’s enjoyable and sweet. Although.. worst part about this season is the very obnoxious cliffhanger with no information about getting a sequel. In another words, cliffhanger means that story of this arc is not finished. It essentially ends when finally story starts becoming more dramatic and serious. So they better make a sequel.


Not much to add. Adorable and sweet as always. Most of the characters are rather neat and memorable. Plenty of characters get growth and progression. Even oldies get some recognition. A bit maybe too simple or pure for my taste, but eh once again it’s the thematic of this Anime. As it feels it’s aimed towards younger girls maybe?. It’s an very classical mahou shoujo Anime, when they still used to be all about cute transformation, talking plushies, various powers they obtain in rather easy way and so on.


✦Art & Sound✦
Once again. Sadly I cannot remember old well enough to compare these two. But I know that much, that old animation used to be superb. (if I remember correctly very nicely hand-drawn Animation). This one? I actually think the animation, art and the whole style was actually pretty good. Not amazing, but great nevertheless.

Also music and whole OST was also quite good. Rather sweet. Funnily enough for some reason few OST’s reminded me of flyff online music. Which kinda gave nostalgia hit, not like this Anime needs it. I mean like what? It’s been around 20 yeasr since the first season?


Enjoyment & Overall✦
Pretty much everything I wanted to mention got mentioned. It’s a pretty good old-school Mahou shoujo Anime. Very good and sweet sequel to the original.


✦✦Final score✦✦: 8/10

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