Reviewing info: In a nutshell personal feelings/opinion >> “objective/critical” value. How I rate/review and other info is HERE
Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
Review type: Game
Review format: Lewds
✅ Hot FMC
✅ Some fairly great scenes
✅ Sleepy tiny sidekick scenes
✅ FMC has fun and bratty personality that falls into lust fairly satisfyingly
✅ “okay” H stat screen.
✅ Few unique gameplay mechanics
✅ Great funky style (kinda like playing degenerate Persona)
✅ Great QoL features & tools
❔ Story itself is for most part okay but consistency issues.
❌ Gameplay falls off & becomes quite repetitive
❌ Some CG art oddities (probably images made with AI help)
❌ H content falls off hard content wise.
I think I didn’t finish in the end. At some point content chapters H scenes disappear entirely or are very far apart between scenes… having you to focus on story only which falls off. I mean FMC is blowing someone in earlier stages whilst later on you basically do nothing.
Gameplay has some quite nice mechanics, stealth mode, puzzles. But every piece of unique feature felt as was simply presented as “demo mode on what we can do in rpgmaker” … as they are either shown once or fall of entirely.
Whilst H scenes for the most part are great with solid kink variety and good CG art. (though CG has some odd inconsistency, as it feels it’s made with AI help). Lot of focus on groping and hypnosis changes, which are nice & hot. Some H content features are somewhat again…. Feel like “demo mode features” . Like pregnancy…. Which exists as a feature in game… but is pretty much non-existant.
Game though has lot of great handy QoL features which makes both progression, movement and scene hunting a bit different & easier in a fun manner. Think gallery room was as well rather solid and “game over” mechanic was a nice touch.
Anyhow… it’s okay game… almost “good”, just at later chapters it flops hard.
Total Score: 6/10
Game status:
❌ Dropped
Lewd game “review” – Croix X Scramble by “ninjinpasta”