Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE[desozone.wordpress.com] . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
Review layout: STEAM
Review type: Game
Review format: Normal, lazy
✅ Fairly dynamic gun/ability play + environment usage
✅ Great storytelling
✅ Interesting world
✅ Fairly challenging
✅ Plenty of guns & abilities & upgrades for them
❔ Felt game was too long for me
❌ Probably if would have played years back would been much enjoyable
Comments:Think game had challenge modes as well. I think during my primary/middle school times I were playing FPS games the most…. Now I only enjoy periodically slower tactical shooters or valorant I guess…. Anyhow.. any other fps for me at this point feels like “aim mouse, pew pew, stuff dies, the end” . So yeah… don’t get much fun out of FPS shooters as much.
So back to this game. I think the world building and storytelling is the most enjoyable aspect here. Yes… gunplay is dynamic, your abilities can affect environment. You get plenty of guns, gun upgrades, abilities, ability upgrades but the concept feels same. Aim, shoot, progress.
But in general… after initial 4 hours fun I just felt that I wanted to skim through the game… Is it bad game? No. Is it good game? Probably. Did I enjoy it enough? No.
So yeah… like the thematic and polished shooters. Then I recommend this.
🌟 Total score: 6/10 🌟
Game status:
✅ Finished