Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE[desozone.wordpress.com] . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
Review layout: STEAM
Review type: Game
Review format: Normal, lazy
✅ X-ray shot cams introduced and are main fun
✅ Game encourages stealth as U die fast
❔ Get restoration patch in this game franchise
❔ Challenge missions / DLC are okay… fairly nice open levels for longer distance snipes
❌ AI is utter garbage (repeating short voice line loops, enemies run into walls or in place, enemies try to shoot through walls, patrols get stuck, if you kill 1 enemy next to another in a small room then enemy gets confused like “wut? Wat happened, who shot? Few seconds later, loses aggro,… etc..)
❌ Very generic storytelling
Guessing It dated badly. Think I enjoyed it when I played it for the first time many many years ago. For now.. it was mediocre with unfunnily bad AI.
Do I recommend it? Nah…. Don’t bother, try with one of the newer games in the franchise. I did finish the game for the most part but lost interest after 3 levels. Sniping with X-ray fatality vision is fun and all but AI, world and storytelling makes it pretty dull.
🌟 Total score: 5/10 🌟
Game status:
✅ Finished