Lewd game “review” – Apartment Story by “pH Studio”

Reviewing info:  How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.

Review layout:  Lazy/minimal format (others)

Review type:  Game

Review format:  Lewds


✅    Okay 1 run fun game

✅    Pixel art H scenes with finale CG scene

✅    Interactive game

✅    Fairly nice female character types

✅    Fun concept of being in blackmailer creep role (hide in closets, picklock into apartments, record video and then blackmail etc….)

✅    Think camgirl was my fav


❌    Few game breaking bugs

❌    Not much to it (finish in an hour)

❌    Low quantity of pixel art animations


Eh…. for 1 hour fun or so it’s worth 1-5EU for me… Concept was nice, but there wasn’t much of content. Feels like a  test product type of  game. If this game would have  A LOOT more options, scenes and proper Cgi progression. Then it would be much higher quality and time worthy.

    In a nutshell. Promising but lacking. I would rather recommend playing something else.

Total Score:  5/10  

Game status:

✅ Finished

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