Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
Review type: Game
Review format: Lewds
NOTE: Updated review as of 12.08.24 as re-played it properly including doing post game content properly.
✅ Story fair enough
✅ Better gear system that typical H-rpg games = combat fun enough
✅ Base upgrading system
✅ Costumes
✅ Artstyle is good
✅ Plenty of scenes & fair bit of kinks
✅ Plenty of reaction changes depending on your status/look
✅ “post-game” content is fun + extra scenes
✅ Exploration is rewarding, great end-game helper items and plenty of secrets
✅ “end-game” gear grind crafting is rewarding
✅ New game plus unlocks & QoL features.
✅ Great gallery room
✅ H stat screen is good enough
✅ RNG chest rewards save-scummable
✅ No boss game over-scenes (Hurray… no need intentionally lose to bosses to fight them again)
❌ In-scene CG changes/variation is rather minimal
❌ Certain “flavor” unlocks grind isn’t worth the effort. (souvenir store etc..)
❌ Somewhat a con, but certain scenes are rather cryptic with hints on how to get them.
Okay, revamped review it is. Let me get the bad out of the way first. First of all, the in-scene CG art changes/variation is rather minimal, which means most scenes quality comes from the script, great standing art and some tiny bit of art movement. And second main issue is that certain “flavor” upgrades/unlocks aren’t really worth the grind. Honestly… I couldn’t be bothered to unlock all of souvenir shop upgrades… I rather grind/collect mats for certain end-game gear stuff.
Now the good stuff… there is a lot. Plenty for kinks for scenes, outfits and npc reactions to certain outfit changes. Gameplay itself is as well rewarding and fun. There are lot of secret items, some lewd items and so on. Post-game especially unlocks extra stuff that gives even more hours of fun.
Lot of end-game gear that you can craft, needs some grind and RNG luck.. but those that need RNG actually are well done. As you can beat the boss, save game, open the chest and if you don’t get what you need you can reload the save and open chest again for different rewards. Which IMO is great approach for RPGm world.
Story itself is as well not as complex but actually exists, which is nice. Plenty of funny moments and post-game offers some sweet extras.
Lewd scene hunting initially is hard to figure out yourself. But once you get stuck on finding certain scenes, gallery room with tips comes to help. (which you can unlock with merchant purchase). Accommodating with likeable artstyle.
Honestly… “Shimobashira Workshop” games are honestly sweet spot for me. They offer both great lewd content and fun gameplay. With plenty of optional extra exploration, rewards and post game content. Both Celesphonia (my fav one as of now) and Ambrosia are great games.
Think I played this total 4 times now? Increased even difficulty…
In conclusion, if you like fairly straightforward corruption game with expanded gameplay, then I consider it great game. At least was up in alley. Hit all the right sweet spots in both lewd and gameplay balance.
Total Score: 8/10
Game status:
✅ Finished
Lewd game “review” – Ambrosia by Shimobashira Workshop