Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE[desozone.wordpress.com] . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (STEAM)
Review type: Game
Review format: 🔞Lewds
âś… Great & Hot artstyle
âś… Fun story
âś… Great Cgi alteration
âś… Tons of outfits
âś… Tons of great flavor text that changes depending on your state/outfit/stats (NPC changes, the log type text etc..)
âś… Tons of fetishes
âś… Well done 3 stage corruption (which means that most events have 3 tiers of CGI events depending on corruption state. So those games are recommended to play that you see stage 1 event everywhere first then stage 2. Otherwise it will make chain of events/corruptions feel very unnatural (i.e see 3rd stage event and be utter slut, then move to another place and see first event where FMC is very reluctant & against the perversion)
âś… Tons of scenes
âś… Degeneracy route makes game rather easy & not too grindy
âś… Quest log tips
âś… Everything can be unlocked in 1 run
âś… Midcombat Cgi scenes are great
âś… Curses/parasites/hypnosis effects & permanent changes
âś… Everything you get through effects or so, you can do manually endgame (set corrupted gear you want/have a pet that puts parasite in you etc….)
âś… Also likeable FMC and her sidekick
âś… Game over mechanic done beautifully. (you get game over scene then game allows you to return moment before game over)
✅ Tons of skills which I usually don’t like, but it was done a in a fun manner. (you equip engraves that give you abilities & give you passives)
âś… Lots of fun unique items
âś… Beautiful degeneracy stats screen
âś… Equipment offers lot of different stats and unique perks
âś… Lot of unique game assets
✅ Long but addicting RPGM game (Think took me around 30 hours to 100% pretty much all of it, had few breaks now and then as don’t have stamina for such content rich H game :D)
âś… Most stuff you expect to have in H-rpg game, is in the game and a lot can be unlocked/bought ingame
âś… Secrets (areas, bosses, equipment)
âś… Difficulty options (I played on normal)
âś… Finishing game also unlock gallery unlock item you can buy
âť” Surprisingly game has birthing system as well but is more of a flavor thing than actual game content, but yet still you can get pregnant and you can deal with the child accordingly (I filled my Memoria area with kids)
âť” Get the usual kagura patch
❔ Extra „special“ slots mod is also recommended
❌ Pure route seems to be a lot grindier as per usual with these sorts of games (as corrupted gear is pretty much superior in most cases, aside the finale where you get ultimate synthesis equipment)
❌ The 3 stage corruption ain’t my favorite as it’s usually steep, but this one was well made (progressive slow corruption needs to have story heavy & very different gameplay approach)
❌ The final, final boss boss area warp point for some reason can’t be activated before fighting the boss (in others areas could) so I’m guessing it’s simply a mess up on development part
❌ Kinda feel that for sake of argument cheat tools after beating game once would been nice (mostly for gold & soul currency) But at the same time end-game farming for souls & money is fairly easy.
❌ Also miss that no visually shown images body part’s „level“ on stat screen
❔ The Item database/glossary felt a bid odd. Most of mob drops and locations were marked but some stuff I had to open „truemechasonic celesphonia notes“ to find some materials endgame
Bloody hell, this game was exhausting to finish. Something might fall off. Anyhow… this game goes 100% to my favorites. I enjoyed the fuck out of it. There was simply so much properly done regarding gameplay and the degeneracy element. Plus I loved the artsyle & FMC which made it much hotter.
Honestly… skill system made the typical H-rpg turned based combat a lot more fun. I also did read most dialogues and actually paid attention to story as it was rather enjoyable magical girl plot.
The degeneracy stats & title screen was also beautiful to look at and eventually hunt for.
I played on normal so didn’t have to tryhard with combat. Few fights offered some challenge, didn’t just mash Z . And the most effort I had to put in was the final, final boss. Where I grinded for some materials to make endgame gear + hunt for some special items to counter boss. So „normal“ I found a good balance.
A good game, a good fap. What else can I say. I consider this one of the best H-RPGm games I’ve played.
Total Score:🌟10/10🌟
Game status:âś… Finished